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Mick Jenkins - Drowning
music video production design
Director Nathan R. Smith
DP Matt Mitchell
The design pulled from natural elements in our Miami swamp locations & period research of enslaved people & their escapes in the antebellum era. It was wonderful working with Oliver Sanchez of Swampspace on the fabrication of Mick's floating raft. We had a talented production, creative, & underwater team to carry out this powerful video. The built remnants of a dock, a corn husk voodoo doll & the addition of collected air plants & southern moss were important textures for our look.

Mick Jenkins - Drowning
Mick Jenkins - Drowning
raft fabrication
raft fabrication
raft detailing
corn husk doll fabrication
dock set
Mick Jenkins - Drowning
Mick Jenkins - Drowning


production design art & stories



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